
Folkestone and Hythe District Council buys land at Biggins Wood

Folkestone and Hythe District Council is underpinning its ambitions to build more homes and create more jobs by buying land at Biggins Wood.

The council bought the 10-acre site, just outside Folkestone, for £1.5m. The land has been earmarked for development for many years and already has outline planning permission.

The council stepped in to buy the site to ensure the delivery of much needed market and affordable homes and employment spaces to meet the district’s growing needs.

Cllr David Monk, Leader of Folkestone and Hythe District Council, said: “I am very pleased to announce the purchase of this land. We will start work this year to build 77 homes, including 23 affordable homes, along with high quality, modern workspace. This gives us an opportunity to help fulfil our key and on-going corporate objective to build more homes and create more jobs.”