1. Who we are and what we do:
Folkestone Works is a service run by the Council to help inform and support businesses across the district, and those who may wish to invest or relocate into the area.
We provide informational resources, news updates and other useful information that facilitate commercial activities and growth within the district.
For additional information about your rights and when the Council will share data, this document should be read alongside the Council’s general privacy policy.
For additional information about how the Folkestone Works website is run, this document should be read alongside our website terms and conditions.
2. What information do we hold and use?
Folkestone Works primarily publishes information to support businesses within the district. Very little of this information will contain personal data.
Where we do use your personal data, this will include maintaining records of your name and email address when you have subscribed to receive our newsletter or any other information we produce.
We may also name specific individuals in articles or videos that highlight ‘success stories’ for local businesses within the district. This will only be done when we have the consent of the involved parties.
3. How do we obtain your personal information?
We will only obtain your personal data when you have submitted it directly to the Folkestone Works website, or when we have contacted you directly.
If you need to contact through the website, we will hold your name, email address and the contents of your enquiry for as long as it takes to respond to your query.
4. What do we use this information for?
We use your personal information to help deliver an effective service to local businesses in the form of responding to correspondence, issuing newsletters and promotional materials to interested parties, and producing articles that showcase success stories and good commercial practice.
5. On what basis do we use your data?
The personal data processed by Folkestone Works is provided by yourself the data subject directly. Due to this, we will always seek to obtain your consent by presenting you with selectable options explaining how your data will be used.
You are free to withdraw your consent to processing at any time, and ask for your personal data to be removed from our records. An opt-out link is included with all copies of our newsletter or any other promotional materials to assist with this.
Alternately, you can send an email to info@s4403 or the Council’s Data Protection Officer at data.protection@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk
6. Who do we share your data with?
The Council has signed a contract with Red Bullet Web Design Ltd to manage the Folkestone Works website and social media presence on the Council’s behalf.
Due to this, Red Bullet will process personal data submitted to the website or our social media profiles in the manner described by this policy.
The relationship between Red Bullet and the Council is governed by a data processor agreement which is compliant with the legal requirements introduced by the General Data Protection Regulations.
7. How long do we store your data?
Folkestone Works will hold your personal data for as long as you are happy to continue to receive our newsletter or other promotional materials.
If you have consented to your details being included in an article we have published, this data will be displayed and held indefinitely, unless you withdraw your consent for any reason.
If you have submitted an enquiry to Folkestone Works, we will hold your data until your query has been resolved.
For additional information about your rights and when the Council will share data, this document should be read alongside the Council’s general privacy policy.