Charter for Otterpool Park
In September 2017 we produced a draft Charter for Otterpool Park that set out in more detail our aspirations for this new garden town. Following public consultation and consideration by the Council’s Cabinet, revisions have been made to the Charter which is now available.
The Charter builds on the “Development Principles for Otterpool Park” first published in the Expression of Interest that the council submitted to government in June 2016.
Page 16 of the Charter details the opportunities for new strategic employment space that Otterpool Park provides. Otterpool Park will have a vibrant local economy that fosters community prosperity. A wide range of businesses will support the environmental and social sustainability of the town, creating employment, jobs in construction and business for local suppliers. It is intended that the scale of employment space located near the gateway to Europe (Channel Tunnel) will provide a new opportunity to complement the offer at locations such as Folkestone, Hythe and other growth locations across East Kent. It shall provide an opportunity for new ideas to flourish.