Brexit Survey
The district council has been asked by the Government to provide intelligence from our business community on the impact of a potential “No deal” Brexit.
The questions that the Government is requesting information on are set out below and we would, therefore, welcome your responses to these and also to hear back from any business that has no concerns and is not undertaking any measures.
Any information provided could be relayed anonymously or your business mentioned specifically.
- How do you think the UK leaving the EU is going to impact your business/organisation? Will this be a positive or negative impact?
- What are your top five priorities regarding your business right now?
- Do you have any concerns regarding the UK leaving the EU in relation to your business operations? If so, what are these?
- Are you undertaking any activities to prepare your business for Brexit? If so, what are these? If not, please explain why?
- What are the upcoming issues/challenges your business is facing (i.e. looking to the short, medium and long-term)?
- What are the barriers/ blockers to progress faced by your business/organisation right now?
- Where would you look for business advice regarding the UK leaving the EU?
- Through what avenues/ in what formats would you find advice regarding Brexit most useful? (e.g. tools, questionnaires, articles, videos, telephone hotline, face-to-face help etc.)
The Government has asked for a response to these questions asap, so if you could get back to the team by 5pm Monday 7th January that would be helpful. However, we anticipate that there will be a rolling programme for seeking this information, so if you cannot make this deadline, or want to consider matters further before responding, please send your response in due course.
Email replies should be sent to
We will also be discussing this at the Folkestone & Hythe Business Advisory Board which next meets 8-10am Thursday 28th February at the Burlington Hotel, Earls Avenue, Folkestone, so please let me know if you would like to attend.
The government’s official Brexit “no deal” advice to businesses can be found at the below link: