Calling all lorry, coach and bus drivers; do you have a CPC?

Driver CPC deadline reminder

If you are a professional lorry, bus or coach drivers in the UK the deadline to complete your driver CPC periodic training and maintain your current card is rapidly approaching.

Following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, all professional drivers of lorries and buses will still need a valid CPC to continue to work and drive in the UK.

You need to make sure you’ve completed 35 hours of periodic training by 9 September 2019.

It is illegal for professional drivers to operate without a Driver Qualification Card (DQC).

Finding a CPC training course

The Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT) website has a list of training courses that you can take to complete your CPC training. Only courses taken with approved centres count towards periodic training.

Check how much training you’ve done

You can check how much training you’ve done and when you’ll get your next Driver CPC card using the online driver enquiry service and you can give your employer temporary access to your training record.

If you miss your training deadline

You cannot drive professionally unless you hold a valid DQC and you could be fined up to £1,000 for driving professionally without a valid DQC.

Trailer registration

From 28 March 2019, all commercial trailers over 750kg must be registered to travel through some mainland European countries.

For more information take a look at the Government’s website