Event News

Clean Growth South East business network

A new green business mapping and pilot support programme has been launched for the South East.

The Clean Growth South East programme is led by Kent County Council, with funding secured from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership’s Sector Support Fund.

Clean Growth South East will deliver a range of industry insights, briefings on emerging sectors, technologies and highlighting opportunities for South East businesses.

In particular, the programme provides updated insights into the challenges and opportunities for businesses across a range of low carbon, renewable energy, and environmental goods and services sectors.

Registered businesses will be able to attend a series of targeted events and workshops. and receive regular updates on project and contract opportunities.

If you work in the Clean Growth sectors and want to hear more about size of the sector and the opportunities across Kent and the South East sign up to Clean Growth South East workshops.

There has never been a greater focus on supporting businesses offering environmentally sustainable, low carbon products and services.

Register for FREE to attend the Clean Growth South East workshops

To register your business details for FREE to join the Clean Growth South East business network and receive more information on upcoming projects, events, and relevant news and insights. Go to www.cleangrowthsoutheast.co.uk

For further information contact the project team at cleangrowthse@opergy.co.uk.

Clean Growth South East workshops