
Dungeness Magnox launches apprentice recruitment

Magnox Ltd is a company owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority responsible for decommissioning 12 Magnox nuclear sites across the UK.

In Folkestone and Hythe Magnox is working on a long term programme to safely decommission the former Dungeness nuclear power station and is a key part of the local economy.

Magnox has recently launched its 2021 apprentice recruitment programme to support the skills needed for its work.

There are multiple roles across the company but for Dungeness Magnox is recruiting:

  • Health Physics Monitors
  • Trainee C&I Engineer
  • Trainee Mechanical Engineer
  • Trainee Engineering Design & Draughtsperson
  • Buyer (Procurement)
  • Trainee Safety and Environment Engineer

Further information on the roles and how to apply visit Magnox apprentice recruitment.