Contracting Opportunities with Magnox at Dungeness
Magnox is undertaking a long term programme of decommissioning at the former Dungeness A nuclear power station and this presents great opportunities for local businesses.
Decommissioning requirements range from conventional services such as scaffolding and demolition, to the more specialist areas of waste retrieval and decommissioning.
Their work can only be achieved through strong partnership with the supply chain, and Magnox ( is committed to working positively with the private sector.
Procurement opportunities are updated and published in their annual and monthly Magnox Procurement Plan.(
If your business has processes or engineering technologies that could support Magnox’s work at Dungeness A, or at any of Magnox’s 12 sites, the supply chain team is ready and waiting to help you to work with Magnox.
Find out more information about how to do business with Magnox (