Welcome back to Kent Toolkit
Visit Kent has a new new consumer campaign, Welcome back to Kent.
Visit Kent has launched their summer consumer confidence campaign, Welcome back to Kent. The campaign will run until September 2021.
The Welcome back to Kent campaign is one of a series of Visit Kent campaigns following the lifting of COVID restrictions.
Visit Kent has worked to capitalise on opportunities around the visiting friends and relatives market, Kent’s major events programme, and residents’ and visitors’ abilities to move freely for travel and leisure.
This campaign will aim to position Kent as a safe and compelling getaway and will act as an inspiring invitation, and reassurance for residents and visitors alike.
At the heart of the campaign will be a selection of thematic features, along with support from a competition, influencer activity, organic digital activity, paid social, and paid search promotion.
This campaign is supported by South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) funding and KCC funding, which aims to help support the reopening of the sector safely.