News Funding

Technology Resilience Voucher Scheme for businesses

C-Care Technology Vouchers for businesses available value up to £1,000

From the 22nd of November Kent-based businesses will be able to apply for a voucher to implement a digital or technology solution or project to help them with business resilience and economic recovery. Each voucher will cover costs up to a maximum of £1,000. The scheme will run for 9 months or until the voucher budget has been fully allocated.

Businesses will be able to redeem a voucher for services from a range of suppliers that KCC has procured in the following areas:

  • Web-based Activities.
  • Remote Working Technologies.
  • Software solutions & Apps.
  • Digital Marketing & Promotional Activities.
  • Skills & Capacity Building.
  • Equipment & small Investments to facilitate digital activity.

Businesses can also book a slot with a specialist digital advisor prior to applying for the scheme to ensure that they maximise the voucher.

The Technology Resilience Voucher Scheme is part of the C-Care (Covid Channel Area Response Exchange) project which is funded by the EU Interreg France (Channel) England programme.

Derek Murphy, KCC’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development, said: “During the pandemic, businesses realised the importance of making the best use digital technology to connect to customers and deliver services in new ways. This new voucher scheme will help local firms to adopt these solutions to help with new ways of working and future growth.”

Click here for further details and to make an application



To apply