Help for more businesses hit by pandemic
News Release by Folkestone & Hythe District Council 18th February 2022
More businesses in the Folkestone and Hythe district affected by the growth in the Omicron variant of COVID-19 at the end of last year can now apply for funding support.
Eligibility for the Additional Restrictions Grant has been extended to assist more business sectors and businesses also now have another three weeks to send in their applications as the deadline has been extended to Friday 4 March 2022.
The latest ARG grant award, details of which were first published in January, is to make up for loss of trading in December 2021. The government funding is being shared out at the discretion of Folkestone & Hythe District Council on a first come, first served basis.
Cllr David Wimble, Cabinet Member for the District Economy, said: “We hope the extension to both the type of businesses that can be helped and the deadline will be welcomed.
“However, we would urge businesses not to delay as we do require supporting information with applications and we only have a limited amount of time to spend our ARG allocation from the government.”
More about the grant and eligibility can be found by visiting