News Event

Folkestone Place Plan Priority Projects – Public Engagement events


Folkestone & Hythe District Council has appointed a team of consultants led by We Made That to lead on the development of the priority projects identified in Folkestone Place Plan and to provide support for a funding application to the Levelling Up Fund.

We hope that you will be able to join us for one or both of two public events to share your views on the six projects being taken forward from the Place Plan.

The first event will be ‘in person’ 11.00 – 2.00pm Thursday 31st March in the Bouverie Business Centre, 16 Bouverie Place in the town centre.

The second event will be a digital webinar on Wednesday 6th April 6.00 – 7.30pm.  If you would like to attend the webinar event, please sign up in the Eventbrite link below

The Folkestone Place Plan can be accessed at

We look forward to talking more about the project with you.