Purpose of the Board
The Folkestone and Hythe District Accelerated Delivery Board’s core purpose will be to drive, facilitate and enable the continued economic growth of the district, informing and stimulating regeneration and renewal of action areas identified in the emerging Places and Policies Local Plan and adopted Core Strategy.
The Board will help to:
- Secure investment by building on existing assets and ensuring appropriate land and property availability.
- Work with key stakeholders to ensure that strategic frameworks are established that integrate the physical, economic, social and environmental interventions required to deliver long-term change and improved quality of life for residents and businesses.
- Ensure regeneration plans are integrated, coherent and based upon the emerging district ‘place’ brand and marketing campaign themes, role and function of the place;
- Deliver on outcomes for the district, planning all capital investment in order to reinforce and sustain the residential, commercial and retail markets in the area
Folkestone & Hythe District Accelerated Delivery Board Terms of Reference
Download Folkestone & Hythe Accelerated Delivery Board Terms of Reference
Folkestone & Hythe District Accelerated Delivery Board Minutes
Folkestone & Hythe District Accelerated Delivery Board 7 June 2019 Meeting Minutes
Folkestone & Hythe District Accelerated Delivery Board 1 March 2019 Meeting Notes