Folkestone Community Works – A Call for Projects

Do you have any business accommodation in central Folkestone that you would like to improve to meet the needs of new and growing small businesses? A call is open in the Folkestone Community Works Programme for applications by the 10th June.  Learn more about this and other projects and businesses that have received funding below.

A bakehouse and brewery business is on the rise thanks to a grant from Folkestone & Hythe District Council’s Folkestone Community Works European-funded programme.

Docker, based at Folkestone Harbour, successfully applied for £7,152 from the programme, which was set up after the Council secured £2.5m from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund.

The programme is to help businesses in the East, Central and Harbour wards of Folkestone to grow and to improve residents’ access to employment opportunities. Docker founders Pete Nelson and Wes Burden are using the grant to buy equipment to increase their capacity and will be able to employ a new part-time delivery driver.

Folkestone Community Works also currently has grants available to organisations wanting to deliver business support services or to create office space for new and start-up businesses.

Business support projects should help potential and existing entrepreneurs, self-employed people and existing firms in the area to grow and develop their businesses. The minimum grant is £20,000 and the maximum £225,000, which will need to be matched equally by the applicant.

Projects to create good quality, flexible office space and business accommodation, or creative space for individuals and teams, can apply for a grant from £100,000 to £525,000, which again needs to be matched equally.

More detail can be found on the Folkestone Community Works webpage 

For more information on Docker, visit

Not based in Folkestone? Check out the support you may be eligible for