News Advice

Kickstart scheme – change a young life

Can you offer a work placement to a young person?

The Kickstart scheme provides 100% funding for employers to take on 16 to 24 year-olds for 25 hours per week for a total of six months.

This will be at the National Minimum Wage or the National Living Wage. You will also be eligible for a £1500 up-front payment to help you support the young person.

Funding is also available to cover employer costs for national insurance payments and any relevant workplace pension contributions.

Placement start dates can be up until 31 December 2021, with funding available until 30 June 2022 if a young person starts on 31 December 2021.

Also, unlike previous schemes employers no longer need a minimum of thirty job placements to apply for Kickstart funding.

Find out more about the scheme and register your interest as an employer for Kickstart placements.

The Folkestone Job Centre is available to support local employers with the recruitment of Kickstart placements.

Contacts for more details and support are Maria Landers, 07920 417495 and  Trudi Short,, 07979 111518.

To find out more about Kickstart email

Kickstart useful links