Funding Investment

Green Business Grant Scheme open for applications

Non-repayable grants of up to £25,000 may be available to help your business reduce it’s carbon footprint and lower energy bills


Folkestone & Hythe District Council have introduced a Green Business Grant Scheme to help smaller businesses become more energy efficient. Grants of up to £10,000 may be available to your business (up to £25,000 in exceptional circumstances). The scheme will currently run until 31st March 2024 (assumes funds remain available for this duration).

The Aim

The aim of the Folkestone and Hythe Green Business Grant Scheme is to help small businesses to save carbon, become more energy efficient and, in turn, to save the business money.

Location Eligibility

The Folkestone and Hythe Green Business Grant Scheme is available to businesses currently located in or seeking to establish new premises within the area (subject to successfully securing the premises via a deed or signed lease arrangement). If requested, you must provide evidence of building ownership or a signed letter of approval for the project you propose to install from the property owner.

Who can apply for a Grant? 

Small businesses (up to 50 employees) are eligible to apply for a Green Business Grant if:

  • you are the freeholder or leaseholder (with at least 5 years left on the lease) of the commercial property
  • limited to one application per business owner
  • the property is over 10 years old
  • The project will have a positive impact environmentally

Click on this link for further details on eligibility and how to apply