COVID-19 Self-Isolation Guidance for Businesses

COVID-19 Self-Isolation Guidance for Businesses

Self-Isolation information and useful links

Guidance for Employees

You should self-isolate immediately if you show symptoms of COVID-19. You should then book a test as soon as possible. If you are notified by NHS Test and Trace of a positive COVID-19 test result, you must complete your full self-isolation period Click here for full details.

You must also self-isolate if you have been informed by NHS Test and Trace that you are a contact of a person who has had a positive test result for COVID-19, unless you are participating in an approved daily contact testing scheme.

If you receive a contact tracing alert via the app you should self-isolate and get a test. This is crucial to help break chains of transmission and keep people safe.

Guidance for Businesses/Employers

It’s critical that employers take steps to keep their workers and visitors safe. By following the working safely guidance and keeping your workplace clean, employers can reduce the risk of co-workers having to self-isolate if a member of staff tests positive for COVID-19, or is identified as having had close contact with someone who has tested positive.

If you get symptoms while you’re self-isolating, the 10 days restarts from the day after your symptoms started.

This NHS guidance explains in full the timescales for self-isolation 

Close contacts

A close contact is a person who has been close to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. You can be a contact anytime from 2 days before the person who tested positive developed their symptoms, and up to 10 days after. This is when the virus can be passed to others.

Find out more about employment rights if someone needs to self-isolate or cannot attend work due to COVID-19.

It is no longer a legal requirement for venues to request that individuals ‘check in’, though this is still encouraged to help stop the spread of COVID-19. See guidance on maintaining records of staff, customers and visitors to support NHS Test and Trace.

Information from, further details can be found here.