Folkestone Harbour Company has secured outline planning consent for mixed-use development at Folkestone Harbour and seafront. This envisages building up to 1000 homes, with a mix of beach houses, apartments and townhouses, together with a range of sports and recreation amenities and the creation of new public spaces.
The scheme secured outline planning consent in 2015 and has been prepared for development through significant investment from the landowner, Sir Roger De Haan. The 35-acre development will also incorporate recreational areas and public spaces as well as commercial space of up to 10,000 square metres and in due course is expected to generate 500 direct full-time jobs.
Considerable improvements have already been made to the public realm, including the creation of fountains and a play area and the opening of the Harbour Arm for recreation, entertainment and walks out to sea.
Some of the extraordinary costs of preparing infrastructure, including sea and flood defences, ground investigation, provision of essential services and public realm enhancements in readiness for site development will benefit from a £5.1 million grant from the Government’s Local Growth Fund, arranged through the South East Local Enterprise Partnership.